Rank Today X Freddy and Sons

About RankToday

RankToday is a small business that helps manage growth and marketing for your small business - from user acquisition, to becoming a top result on search, listings and more. Allowing you to run the day to day while we bring more customers.

Project Duration

31 Aug 2023 - 16 Oct 2023 (6 Weeks)


About Freddy & Son 

About Freddy & Son

Freddy & Son is a family-owned roofing business with over 25 years of combined experience. Based in Virginia, Freddy & Son Roofing is known for its commitment to quality service in the roofing and construction industry.


Local SEO Optimization

We optimized Freddy & Son's online presence for local search, ensuring accurate business information and local keyword targeting to attract customers in their service areas.

Technical SEO Enhancements

A thorough audit addressed site speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability, ensuring a smooth user experience and positively impacting search rankings.

Keyword Research and Optimization

In-depth keyword research identified relevant terms in roofing and construction. Optimizing website content, meta tags, and headings with these keywords improved search engine rankings and visibility.

Link-Building Strategies

Implemented ethical link-building strategies to acquire relevant, high-quality backlinks, strengthening Freddy & Son's online credibility and improving search rankings.

Content Creation and Blogging

We developed high-quality, informative content on roofing services, industry trends, and customer guides.

Google Ads Campaign

RankToday's Google Ads team meticulously crafted highly optimized ad campaigns tailored specifically for Freddy & Son's service areas. The goal was to ensure that the ads reached the right audience in a targeted manner, maximizing their impact.
Continuous monitoring of campaign performance was a key practice. This ongoing assessment allowed the team to identify areas for improvement, implement enhancements, and fine-tune strategies. The focus was not only on achieving the highest possible conversions but also on generating valuable phone calls, ensuring a comprehensive approach to campaign success.

Social Media


I conducted a online survey with about 8 users using google forms. The study utilizes surveys to collect quantitative data from users who have utilized the service. The research seeks to understand the impact of the email verification service on communication efficiency, bounce rates, and overall user experience.

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