Does Embedding YouTube Videos Help SEO

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Does Embedding YouTube Videos Help SEO

It can be a really challenging task to create valuable and engaging content for your readers on a daily basis. In order to provide your readers with the most crucial information, you will need to do an extensive research on your specific topic. Does embedding YouTube videos help SEO scores of your website? In what particular way do YouTube videos impact your SEO scores?

We are sure that you want to share only the best information with your readers. There are cases when your readers aren’t looking for a detailed guide to a particular topic – they just want a simple video explanation. Is this the right time to use embedded YouTube videos on your web page?

While this seems like a simple question, we can’t give you a simple answer without the proper explanation. Let’s see what are the benefits and the problems of embedding YouTube videos in your articles. We hope this will give you a definitive answer to the question Does embedding youtube videos help SEO?

Embedding YouTube – How it really affects my SEO scores?

It is evident that YouTube is a valuable asset when it comes to promoting your business online. It’s not a surprise that most of the people use it in order to boost their website’s popularity and rankings. But does embedding YouTube videos help SEO or is it just an urban myth?

The simple answer to this question is – no, embedding YouTube videos into your content doesn’t have any direct impact on your SEO ranking scores. This doesn’t mean that using YouTube videos can’t have a positive effect on your website.

Don’t forget that direct impact on your SEO scores isn’t the only way to boost your rankings. We have already talked about indirect methods of boosting your SEO scores, like RSS feed SEO benefits and improving the readability of your content. This same logic can be applied to embedding YouTube videos to your post.

It’s true that sometimes your readers are only looking for a simple two-minute video on a specific topic. They don’t want to read a lengthy article that covers all of the information regarding their topic – they want to leisurely watch a simple video while doing other activities.

With this being said, we will examine the cases when you should use embedded YouTube videos in your content and when you shouldn’t do it.

When should Embed Youtube Videos?

There are a lot of features of embedded YouTube videos that can help your business grow bigger and more popular. It’s true these videos don’t have any direct effect on your website’s SEO scores, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have any value.

What are the perks of using embedded YouTube videos on your website? We have made a short list that will help you better understand what are the benefits of using this tactic.

Perks of embedding YouTube videos

  • Longer on-page time. If you want your visitors to stay longer on your page, embedding YouTube videos is one way of achieving that goal. The good thing about these videos is that you can choose the ones that suit your web page the best. They don’t have to be too long, but they can entertain your visitors for a few minutes. This means that your users will stay a few minutes longer on your web page in order to watch the video until the end.
  • Boosting your visitor’s engagement. Choosing the perfect video which has a great informational value and also encourages visitors to engage with you can have a major impact on your rankings. If you happen to find that perfect video that affects the engagement and the satisfaction of your readers, your SEO scores will be improved indirectly. Just remember that your main goal here shouldn’t be improving SEO rankings. Your main goal should be providing your visitors with valuable videos that will give them a better insight on a specific topic.
  • Thumbnails of your videos might appear on the search result pages. This might not be the most amazing tool for boosting your SEO rankings, but it’s far from being completely useless. Your visitors might be looking for a video explanation of a particular problem – if they manage to see thumbnail videos in your article, they might be more interested in visiting your website.

All of these features sound really great and they can definitely have a crucial impact on your business, but what are the negative effects of embedding YouTube videos?

Does embedding YouTube videos help SEO – It’s not always a good choice

As you can see in the previous section, embedding YouTube videos has its perks. We have mentioned before that this process isn’t the most popular one when it comes to boosting your SEO rankings and there is a reason for it.

While this might have a small impact on your SEO scores, it’s not always a positive thing for your business. We have made this short list to give you a better insight into how embedding YouTube videos can have a negative impact on your website.

Things to look out for

  • They won’t have a major impact on your SEO scores. If you are looking for an easy way to make your business achieve the first place in Google’s search engine result page, this isn’t the right method. While it is true that embedding YouTube videos can have some positive effects on your business, it is nowhere near that particular goal.
  • These videos might make your website slower. If you don’t properly embed videos, they might cause some speed problems for your website. These speed problems might later affect your SEO scores, so you should be careful when embedding YouTube videos – you don’t want to slow down your website without gaining anything.
  • The informational value of these videos. You should be absolutely sure that these videos belong on your web page before you implement them into your content. You don’t want to look unprofessional to your readers by showing them videos that have no real value. Your users are looking for information about a specific topic – make sure that these videos are the right choice for your web page.
  • Who made these videos. You don’t want your visitors to watch videos that come from an unreliable source. Make sure you do your research on the creators of the video properly. You should always choose businesses that have good SEO scores and a well-established brand.

Final thoughts on Does embedding YouTube videos help SEO

Now that we have presented you with all the necessary information about embedding YouTube videos, it’s time to make a decision. Should you start using embedded YouTube videos on your web pages?

We hope that we have given you enough information to gain a better insight into when you should use these videos. The best answer that we can give you is that embedded YouTube videos have a good potential to bring you some improvements on your SEO scores.

These improvements won’t be direct ones, as we have previously mentioned, but your business will still benefit from using them. It just depends on the way you implement and use them on your website.

There is no harm in using embedded videos from YouTube if you do it properly. Videos have always been a valuable tool when it comes to the marketing of your business, but there are better tools to improve your SEO scores.

Our advice

If you are considering embedding YouTube videos on your website just to boost your SEO rankings, that’s no the path you want to take. There are other ways of improving your SEO scores that are much more effective.

We would be happy to show you all of the tips and tricks that you can use to further improve your business. Our team of professional SEO experts is constantly improving the techniques that we use to help your website gain better rankings.

We have helped over 1500 satisfied customers to achieve their dream of ranking first in their business’s niche. You can become one of those satisfied customers that are enjoying the benefits of our hard work in just a matter of seconds.

There is nothing better than helping people achieve their goals and dreams – and that is our companies main drive. We want to see your business shine in its full glow and show the whole world how great it is.

There is no need to spend countless hours online researching a particular SEO method that will have a minor impact on your rankings. We are ready to guide you through every step of our effective process, in order to make your business as amazing as it should be.

The time to achieve great results is now. There is no reason to wait any longer – with every passing minute your competitors are adapting and improving. It’s time to take advantage of the amazing offer that we can provide to your business and watch your company transform into the globally recognized brand that millions of people will use and love.

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