On Page SEO: Boost Your Search Rankings Using Internal Linking Strategy

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On Page SEO: Boost Your Search Rankings Using Internal Linking Strategy

Proper internal linking can do wonders for your website, as the links within a website i.e interlinking show the relationship between content. They transfer value and importance between pages. This is considered to be very powerful to improve the on page seo of your website.

Internal links define a website’s structure. It helps users navigate, and enables search engines to understand your website.

As the number of interlinking on a page increases, so does its value on Google. External links indicate an overall value with respect to other pages on the web; similarly, internal links aid Google in determining the importance of a page in comparison with other pages on your website.

In fact, internal links are so important that Google considers 1000 links as a ‘reasonable number’ of links per page, including every single link in the menu, sidebar, footer, and header as well.

Internal linking helps search engines understand the structure of your website - which are the pages within the general structure of your website and how all the different pages interact with one another.

Providing relevant content through links keeps users on the website and helps users navigate their way on the website easily. This is another sign that your website is great because it provides a good user-friendly experience and search engines pick up on that efficacy. All in all, your team should make perfecting technical SEO a main focus and priority.

Reduce your Page depth for On Page SEO

Page depth refers to the number of clicks required to reach a specific page from the homepage, using the shortest path.

A page that requires more than 3 clicks to be reached will perform poorly because search engines will have issues in comparison with a page that can be reached in one click.

Deep pages, in fact, have a lower PageRank, as search engines are less likely to find them. If a page is not easily accessible and cannot be found easily, it won’t be checked by crawlers and therefore their chance to be ranked is lower.

There are a few ways that will help decrease your page depth.

Increasing the number of internal links within a particular category, or related categories helps bring deeper pages to more visceral levels. You can also do so by increasing the number of similar pages on product pages or job listings.

Another way to decrease your page depth is by working on high-ranked categories and enhancing their number. Increasing the number of categories listed on the main page of your website will help the pages within those categories to be placed closer to the homepage.

Eliminating some browsable pages in category listings also helps to decrease page depth.
All these improvements help and gradually improve page depth, from 50 to even 15. There can't be a better example of the saying, it's the small changes that make a difference.

Create Content Hubs

A content hub is a set of content web pages that are organized around specific topics, and in most cases, it is a central page. It can be a category on a blog section of a website as well. Content hubs need to be relevant to web design, along with ongoing content marketing.

Websites that use content marketing to grow their site and increase their authority on a selection of topics, internal linking will help push content to perform better. Strengthening key subjects and grouping related content around a pillar page improves the authority of all pages on a topic. Internal linking is of immense help to increase the number of ranking pages in your site structure.

A content hub is composed of pages of content that have been interlinked. The interlinking of these pages strengthens the relationship between them. The links in these pages use words related to the content hub’s theme in their anchor text. This, in turn, should help your pillar page will rank well.

The linking structure of a page is such that, one page linked to those in the hub will help even out the authority gained to all the pages that are related to it. One can also use internal links to build thematic content hubs, so as to increase domain authority and simultaneously improve click rates for the website.

With the number of pages in a thematic content group linked to one another, the group can then be placed better in the SERPs.

Boost Rankings on a Selected Group of Pages

If you are working with websites that run seasonal or event-related campaigns, you have repeatedly seen how internal linking strategies can benefit pages that are extremely profitable during a narrow window of time. All kinds of holidays specials, ticket sales for various events should be promoted before the event is scheduled to take place.

To promote an event-related group of pages, a good idea would be to create a landing page that is optimized for search queries related to the event.

The page should contain enough text to rank correctly for the intended search terms and must focus on the event theme. This makes the entire process simpler, as it is easier to promote a rich landing page on a relevant topic than multiple product pages.

Another thing that you can do is place the date and a countdown on the landing page. The countdown will help you establish changes in the content and increase crawl frequency. This will also help distribute popularity from the ranking landing page to the pages it is linked to.

Use internal linking to promote the landing page on your site. Then link to it from the homepage using relevant anchor text and place it in high-value positions in your menu.

Make it accessible from multiple pages on your site. One needs to remember that pages with large numbers of links appear in the top deciles with the most impressions.

These are just a few, simple ways that can boost search rankings using only your internal linking strategy. Not only are they easy to understand, but can be implemented effortlessly.

Make Your Site Search Engine Friendly Right Now!

While there are various factors which influence the ranking of a site, inter linking is among the top ranking factor. It helps to build topical relevance and Google loves websites with good structure and topical relevance. With the above tips, you should be able to have a solid interlinking strategy.

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